The DII Industries, LLC Asbestos PI Trust website has readily accessible files for you to download. Simply click on the desired link below to open the document in Adobe Acrobat or, download the PDF files to your PC by right-clicking on the link and using the “Save Target As…” option.
DII Asbestos Trust
Electronic Filing
Claim Filing
- Claim Form – New 2011 Claim Form Effective 9-26-2011
- Indirect Proof Of Claims Effective 9-26-2011
- Affidavit Guidelines
- Product and Operations List
- Exhibit “A” Site List and Codes (Excel) 07/15/2024
- Exhibit “A” Site List and Codes (PDF) 07/15/2024
- Summary of Site List Changes (Excel) 07/15/2024
- Exhibit “B” Occupation List and Codes (PDF)
- Exhibit “B” Occupation Codes and Industry Codes (Excel)
- Exhibit “C” Industry List and Codes
- Exhibit “D” Entity List and Codes
- SOL Definition
- SOE Ratings – Updated 12-19-11
- Unacceptable Doctors And Facilities
- Affidavit Of Personal Representative
- PFT Certification – Lab
- PFT Certification – MD
- Extraordinary Claim Certification